IBM Books

Installation and Initial Configuration Guide

Changing the Service Port Speed

How do I change the service port's speed?


The IBM 2212 service port is shipped with the speed set to 19.2 Kbps. To change the service port speed, perform the following steps:

  1. Either Telnet into the IBM 2212 over one of its network interfaces, or attach an ASCII terminal to the IBM 2212 service port as described in Chapter 3, Accessing the IBM 2212.

    • If you Telnet into the IBM 2212, use the procedure in 3 for the OPCON (*) prompt.

    • If you attach an ASCII terminal to the service port you can use the following procedure.

  2. Access either the SVC> prompt (see Accessing the Service Recovery Prompt (SVC>)) or the OPCON (*) prompt (see Accessing the OPCON Command Line Interface).

  3. Take one of the following actions, depending on which version of operational code you have loaded and prompt you accessed:

    • If you have installed either AIS V3.2, AIS V3.3, or later operational code, from the SVC> prompt, type baudrate and press Enter. You will be prompted for the rest of the information.

    • If you have installed AIS V3.2 operational code, from the OPCON (*) prompt:

      1. Type talk 6 and press Enter to reach the Config> prompt. If the Config> prompt does not appear, press Enter again.

      2. From the Config> prompt, type set baudrate and enter the speed.

    • If you have installed AIS V3.3 or later operational code, from the OPCON (*) prompt:

      1. Type talk 6 and press Enter to reach the Config> prompt. If the Config> prompt does not appear, press Enter again.

      2. From the Config> prompt, depending on the service port speed you want to change, type either set baudrate service1 or set baudrate service2.

      3. Enter the speed.
    Note:You must reconfigure the speed of the ASCII terminal to match the service port speed to enter any further commands.

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